2023 Eye Level Literary Award

2023 Eye Level Literary Award

Eye Level Literary Award is an annual writing competition and many students from different countries joined every year. Eye Level Literary Award has 2 groups, illustrated Writing and Writing Group. Please join us and write your story!

1) illustrated Writing (Age 4 – 9)
- Written in English only
- Illustration of the topic
- Short narrative about the illustration: approximately 20 - 50 words

2) Writing (Age 10 – 15)
- Written in English only
- Essay or poem of the topic ( fiction or nonfiction ): 200 - 500 words.
- Invented spelling is accepted for poetry

Date: Jun - Aug 2023
Venue: Eye Level Center / School
Charge: FREE (souvenirs and certificates will be provided for each participants)

Due date: 12 / 08 / 2023 (Sat)
Application: Register in your Eye Level Center / School

2023 Winner List


2023 Eye Level Literary Award
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