Eye Level Literary Award is an annual writing competition and many students from different countries joined every year. Eye Level Literary Award has 2 groups, illustrated Writing and Writing Group. Please join us and write your story!
1) illustrated Writing (Age 4 – 9)
- Written in English only
- Illustration of the topic
- Short narrative about the illustration: approximately 20 - 50 words
2) Writing (Age 10 – 15)
- Written in English only
- Essay or poem of the topic ( fiction or nonfiction ): 200 - 500 words.
- Invented spelling is accepted for poetry
Date: Jun - Aug 2023
Venue: Eye Level Center / School
Charge: FREE (souvenirs and certificates will be provided for each participants)
Due date: 12 / 08 / 2023 (Sat)
Application: Register in your Eye Level Center / School